
`Well, as far as I can see from what we have unearthed to date, one aspect of your survival strategy in the very early years was to leave your body and take up residence in the various quarters of the mind: Logic, imagination, daydreaming, intellectual endeavours, analysis, pattern recognition, and the like. It is very understandable why you would have chosen this path, considering your emotional sensitivity and proclivity for sensory overload in the highly charged environment of your childhood. Now the time has come, however, for you to gradually begin to re-enter your body. It will do you good and will be helpful for the process we have embarked upon here.´

Two rich seams are coming together for me at the moment in which memory plays a central role. The first is my participation in the Positive Intelligence Programme, designed and delivered by Shirzad Chamine and his team in San Francisco. The thrust of this programme is to discover the saboteurs that stealthily create havoc in our lives until we bring them to light and disempower them, while bolstering our so-called innate Sage energies which recognise the gift in every single life situation, no matter how discomforting, and have the ability to provide purpose and lead us to true joy in our lives…

Thankfully, life generally provides the impetus to catch up on missed maturation at some later point, in the form of some crisis or other, which can be interpreted as an invitation to change. Should we decline the invitation, it will often pop up again at a later juncture, or even repeatedly, until we do respond and work through the issues which demand our attention…