
The PQ Programme, developed by Shirzad Chamine and his team at Positive Intelligence, provides instruction as to how this mental fitness can be established. Having joined this Programme early this year, I can already feel the benefits of calm and self-care while facing the everyday challenges of modern life. One of the central tenets of this programme is empathy, which is nothing other than the manifested realisation of interconnectedness between the observer and the observed…
Factor Analysis

One very accessible example of factor analysis, used by Shirzad Chamine in his Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coaching Programme is that of colours. If we were to ask a general audience how many colours exist, you may get a variety of answers, from hundreds to thousands, depending on their family status, education, pastimes, and interactions. Yet, we may remember hearing one time at school that there are only three primary colours; namely red, yellow, and blue, from which all the other colours are derived…
Nomen est Omen

On looking up `sober´, in addition to the more obvious meaning of `not being intoxicated´, a second definition is listed, namely; `based on sound reasoning or information´ as in `a sober assessment of the situation´.
Webster´s gives us two definition of oasis, as follows; `A fertile or green area in an arid region (such as a desert)´ and `Something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast´, as in `the small park is a welcome oasis amid the city’s many factories´. The roots go back to an Egyptian term wḥꜢ.t with the meaning; `fertile area in the desert´.