By December 2014 the seeds had been sown and we had accumulated considerable practical experience with which we refined and optimised the initial concept. Due to funding termination, however, the project could not progress to the operational phase in 2015.
The general concept and business plan remain valid. The low-cost approach would require funding of approx. $10,000 in each of the first 5 years; thereafter the project(s) would be self-supporting. In 2021 we would like to re-launch this project at a yet to be determined urban location in the tropics with the goal of establishing over 2,000 yards, each with 600 Tonnes annual output, by the year 2035.
Annual production of 1,000,000 Tonnes of top-quality compost for peri-urban and rural subsistence farms, with the creation of a total of 60,000 local, full-time jobs, would be a tangible contribution on the part of SoberOasis to the collective recovery of our species in these challenging times…..