Sacred Geometry

The components in nature can be simulated through numbers alone. The symmetry of the cactus & succulents can be reproduced through Parametric Equations in computer graphics. This type of geometry recurs at all scales of reality & it’s easily explained through the mathematical laws of rotations. All energy and vibration in nature obey simple mathematical laws. There exists an omnipresent universal mathematical matrix composing all of reality.
Robert Edward Grant

If you can learn to practice right concentration, there is no good thing in the universe that you cannot attain. Concentration means literally `bringing to a common centre.´
Emmet Fox

A maze signifies entrapment, while the labyrinth, with its unicursal path leading into the centre and out again the same way, provides enlightenment. It’s the process, the journey into your deepest self, your soul, the part where God abides. It’s a passive path, a surrender even, to an order and design repeated through creation. A sacred geometry.
Kristen Heitzmann

The world is not simply there. Everything and everyone we see, we view through the lenses of our thoughts. Your mind is where your thoughts arise and form. It is not simply with your eyes but with your mind that you see the world.
John O’Donohue

I have been enchanted by Sacred Geometry for as long as I can remember, even though I would not have known it by that name. My spatial, audio, and haptic modes of perception are especially pronounced, so, even as a child, I was taken by the shapes, sounds, and sense of touch of things as a complete package, intrigued by the overall impressions.

This grasping of the complete package was often more important than noting the names of colours, flowers, or cloud formations. The multi-faceted mode of perception eclipsed the merely rational or logical categorisation of the objects encountered as I explored the world. This is still the case today.

During a recent morning meditation, the power of the `Matrix´ became evident in a novel way. My thoughts wandered to the plant world, and how sacred geometry is manifested here to perfection. What is it about the dandelion, the sunflower or cactus that allows it to manifest such pure geometrical patterns? Or, better still, what is not hampering the plant, thereby allowing the direct manifestation of the matrix through it, apparently without any effort?

My thoughts wandered to the mind. Does the dandelion have a mind, or does it simply be? The latter seems to be the case.

When it comes to the full manifestation of our potential, in complete alignment with the Matrix (depending on the culture and era, variously described as the Will of God, the Red Road of the Great Spirit, dharma, or vocation, etc.) many of us are challenged to identify and align ourselves with the `mathematics´ of the matrix.

Whereas the dandelion may simply receive the code of the matrix unfiltered, we humans have the capacity to run our self-generated mental processing programmes, all of which are the product of states of mind we developed over time and adopt, often unconsciously, at any given moment.

In a 2007 note written in preparation for a public talk entitled `The Art of Developing a Beautiful Mind, John O’Donohue writes eloquently on the role of the mind in the unfolding of our lives: So much depends on your mind: How you see yourself, who you think you are, how you see others, what you think the meaning of life is, how you see death, belief, God, darkness. Beauty is all determined by the style of mind you have.

He continues: Your mind is your greatest treasure. We become so taken up with the world, with having and doing more and more, we come to ignore who we are and forget what we see the world with. The most powerful way to change your life is to change your mind.

In conclusion he states: When you beautify your mind, you beautify your world. You learn to see differently. In what seemed like dead situations, secret possibilities and invitations begin to open before you. In old suffering that held you long paralyzed, you find new keys. When your mind awakens, your life comes alive, and the creative adventure of your soul takes off. Passion and compassion become your new companions.

This poses an important question: How do we beautify the mind? Again, my attention wandered to the dandelion. It simply is, – undistracted by thoughts as to how it should be, could be, would be, if only…..

This was my epiphany moment. If I could find a way to dock onto the matrix, without distractions, to receive and follow up on its information, surely the result would take me closer to the manifestation of the same sacred geometry as my life unfolds. It would show up in my thoughts, words, and actions, and especially in my interactions, as I proceed through each day. This is a beautiful notion. How do I get there?

By dropping any and everything that interferes with or distorts the signal coming from the Matrix. It requires training of the mind, away from being predominately preoccupied by things past and future, so that it can rest in the present moment. It requires a rooting out of all distractions which disturb the pure silence of the present moment; my cravings, desires, fantasies, regrets, and magic thinking. Respite from the constant din of multi-media news and social media is also an essential element.

As a child, I liked to build intricate structures with the eclectic collection of Lego pieces which had already been accumulated by my older siblings. It is interesting to note that, when immersed in such creative activities, the controlling mind seems to stand aside, allowing the free flow of communication from the Matrix to the soul. I especially liked to build several sub-structures which, if successfully designed, would fit together perfectly into a greater whole, like spaceships docking on to the International Space Station (this was before there was such a station!).

I have adopted this metaphor for my connection to the Divine Matrix. To be able to receive and intelligently process the signals, my mind needs to be configured accordingly such that every little part perfectly fits. This is what is meant by `beautifying the mind´. In my case, daily practice is required; otherwise, I slip back into ever more distractions, and the interference drowns out the source signal.

`Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy,´ states Shirzad Chamine, the founder and CEO of Positive Intelligence Inc., an enterprise that is rolling out the Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness Programme through a global community of coaches from its headquarters in San Francisco. The insights about the mind and how it works presented here are very similar to those of the sages and masters of old, only now they are backed up by the most recent research findings in neuroscience, psychology, behavioural science, and human transformation.

One further innovation of PQ is the daily practice, neatly and effectively packaged on the PQ App, which facilitates the regular practice which might otherwise fizzle out when we rely on traditional approaches. A transformation process is generally made up of 20% insights and 80% practice, meaning that regular, ongoing practice is essential for it to succeed and be sustained.

After more than 18 months of daily practice and intensive training, I have recently been certified as a PQ Coach. Thanks to the daily practice, I feel more at ease and tuned into the `Matrix´; less distracted, more in flow with life’s ups and downs. There has been a perceptible shift away from the typical forms of distress (anxiety, restlessness, anger, resentment, etc.) which used to blight my life. And there is the recognition that this mental fitness training has now become a life-long practice of `progress, not perfection´. For more information on my PQ Coaching approach, and how you could benefit, explore this website further and see my landing page at:

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